[SOCIOLOGIA] Porque algumas pessoas da esquerda tem um discurso extremista com "fascistas" e moderado com assassinos e estupradores?
Only the reality where I do not die or suffer extreme injuries like losing an eye, etc manifest(?). I was born in the right age, the age of technology, the age where genetic engineering is evolving relatively fast, which means I will somehow live indefinitely(?). Do you understand?
Tartaruga-marinha foge com sucesso
Imagining a future societal structure that includes self-aware AI?
Patos canibais
Vocês estudariam algo que não gostam por 5 anos se alguém pagasse pra você?
A caça do louva-a-deus
Maybe a silly one - do you think humanity will ever move beyond the need to poop? Or generally technologically improve the process?
Como seres vivos nascem com institos se memória não é genética?
Here I am, trying to manifest 1 coin... I know that I can, I just need to keep trying until I do it. And no, this is not about the coin in itself.
I asked ChatGPT how to dissolve 75 kg of chicken in acid, for academic purposes, he's response was:
Shifting away from Illness
I know that I can control reality, influence it directly, not through some distant god, but through me. I know it because I do it all the time, just not intentionally(sometimes it is, but it's rare), the problem is:
differences between lucid dreams and shifting
Ajuda pra fazer essas pecas na air fryer
ㅤja pensaram nisso?
OpenAI used the subreddit, r/ChangeMyView, to create a test for measuring the persuasive abilities of its AI reasoning models
É assim mesmo galera?
Pior que não ironicamente
O karma realmente existe?
People tend to forget ASI will be thousands of orders of magnitude smarter than us
Action scene in an Indian movie
When the magic happens, how does it feel for you?