Got these 75% off cuz no super trckers wanna rock pink
New York moment
Heading to CA
Will I lose my cdl
Will Boost back immediately!!! 3 left $TraceyH10 💚
Will Boost back immediately! 3 left $TraceyH10
B4B will boost back asap
I’ve got 4!
Can I get a CDL/job with accident on record
Part timeish jobs in California
Are these actually legit?
Alternative direction deposit methods for referrals? Please help guys
Who’s the idiot?
Playing in the snow
Freightliner 2023 Transmission Will Not Shift
Parked Regen For Full DPF Question
What disqualifies you from becoming a trucker
Any normal job would tell you to stay home.
Catching a deer with an eagle
Do you get to experience the places you go?
Fucked myself over. Spent some time putting applications out there while getting my cdl and now nobody will take me cause i have a 6 month spread in my unemployment. Now i need 6 months of a bad job to get back on track. 👍👍👍👍
Is this Hot Dog too intense?
Gift ideas for a trucker?
Put a TV in your rig!!!!