Why are so many protests in the US taking place in the middle of the week instead of the weekend?
What is your favorite Sims expansion pack of all time?
Anybody want to go to city hall?
Will you be there?
Thoughts on this year's Hogtowne Faire?
Mahatma Gandhi's letter to Adolf Hitler, 1939.India's figurehead for independence and non-violent protest writes to leader of Nazi Germany
People over the age of 30, what advice do you have for younger people?
I suck at cooking no matter how hard I try, how do you make cooking easier?
What is the worst ADHD symptom(s) for you?
what’s your trick for actually falling asleep?
I’m a reptilian ask me anything.
massage & cupping
Heartwood for outside concert
Men over 30, what’s the biggest red flag you’ve noticed on a first date?
What does calm feels like?
I feel like I am ten years behind
NYE single middle age - what to do?
Solo local volunteer opportunities / ideas?
question: why would UFO plates have headlights?
I am a 23 year old who has not left their house in 10 years. AMA
Felt this in my bones
Why isn't everyone congregating in New Jersey En Masse right now to see the UFOs first hand
12 years ago today, police escort scared children after the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
This Is An Event! And It Has Happened 3 Times Before In 3 Different Locations!
Are we Sleep Walking into WW3?