Can I use a spare long Ethernet cable for like diy projects?
I am modifying my Kramer guitar with Rasperry and need help to connect the strum.
Got these today
I repainted my 360 guitar, and it worked flawlessly for a week, and then it stopped working
Raspberry pi pico mod?
This worth getting and modding?
Would I be able to arduino mod this?
First guitar :)
Retrocultmods wii guitar world tour
Old knockoff Wiitar with cable routed at the bottom and Raphnet adapter. Works much better than expected.
Got this at game quest for $210 cad
My collection grows
Anyone know if I can find this cable to replace?
What would this be used for?
Found this at VV for $8
WOR Guitar ps3
First Guitar
Tutorial: How to enable/play background videos on Linux/Steam Deck
Translucent Highway?
Cant use controller on pc??
Flip 4 sound cracking
Ftm packing underwear that ships to canada?
Need some help. Nds lite
Got it from VV for $15-$20 cad
How to delete Riot Games client?