Fewer than 10 people across Australia actually do this, because the technology – known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) – is very new. ‘A house battery you can drive around’.
Australian roadmap for Bidirectional EV Charging. Conservative estimate of total system saving $2.96 bn.
Canadian opposition parties call for ‘full transparency’ following new Trans Mountain commitment
Republicans want IEA to stop predicting ‘Peak Oil’. IEA prediction that world is approaching Peak Oil — when demand starts to decline — is detrimental to expansion of fossil fuel production.
+2.7°C expected from current emission pledges would dramatically reshape the Arctic by 2100. Sea-ice-free Arctic summers, accelerated melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, widespread permafrost loss.
World Likely to Breach 1.5-Degree Target, Research Finds
How an Australian family hasn't paid a power bill in two years - despite energy costs soaring
Alpine plants and climate change. Losing the small, fragile flora may have impacts on water sources worldwide.
Panama indigenous group flees drowning island due to climate change
Cost of renewables to continue falling in 2025 as China extends manufacturing lead. Trend in cost reductions is so strong that nobody will be able to halt it.
Los Angeles wildfire losses seen as high as $164 billion, UCLA Says, potentially making the blazes the second-costliest natural disaster in US history.
Global Warming Has Accelerated: Are the United Nations and the Public Well-Informed. Underestimate of aerosol climate forcing by IPCC led to underestimate of climate sensitivity. Alters projections of future climate.
Norway EV share hits 96% in January, as Toyota tops list and Tesla slumps
Increased use of ventilation and air cleaners, designed to mitigate the spread of viral infections in hospitals, is likely to have unpredictable effects and may cause viral particles to move around more, according to a new study.
Feds defend late-day loan to Trans Mountain pipeline as a good deal for Canada
Greenland Ice Sheet is cracking open: Images show enormous crevasses appearing across the world's second largest body of ice thanks to climate change
Raw Eggs?
Global decline in net primary production underestimated by climate models. (Little green sea plants may not thrive when ocean heat content increases.)
H5N1 bird flu is a 'existential threat' to biodiversity wordwide |
As sea-rise floods increase, Key Biscayne in Florida to raise roads. Big price tag ruffles residents.
German climate change researcher fired for refusing air travel wins compensation from court
Scientists sound the alarm after finding thousands of seabirds dead on beaches: 'The message is clear' ||There has been no sign of the populations recovering.
Ocean temperature rise accelerating as greenhouse gas levels keep rising. The surface of the ocean is warming four times faster than it was 40 years ago.
Global Warming is accelerating. Sea Surface Temperature increase over the past 40 years will likely be exceeded within the next 20 years.
Marine heatwave likely cause of mass fish deaths on Western Australia's Pilbara coast, authorities say