LEGO Dimensions themed Whirliegig
Why aren't Eminem songs on the setlist? It doesn't make sense to me, they should be added.
When is the portal level set in the time line?
Which characters fit these the most?
My ideas for Lego Dimensions: Year 3
Marty has won the only normal person. Now who is the “uhh what’s your name again character” day 5
What if I get SuperGirl later?
Got this for 7$
PS3 Riddle-Earth bugs/ glitches
Do you include X-PO on your portal?
Why does Lord Vortech have a portal to Cloud CooCooLand?
Sharing my art here for the first time, here's Hunted Nya.
Name this album
Found an employee actually being productive
why does our recently adopted cat do this at all times of the day?