Actually tired of getting yelled at every single day
Parents abused me as the older child
How to get better at cataract surgery-no simulator at my program
I hate desi marriage culture
Sunday Relationship Thread
My controlling parents try to control me and my family into my adulthood
How do you prepare for the in laws visiting from India?
Are you required to wear business casual in clinic?
Anyone else get tired of accommodating co-residents who have kids?
When you see a random person that you notice something concerning medically about them, away from a medical setting, do you say anything to them?
Does this make me weak?
How are you guys sleeping?
Attending made me cry, then stated that I'm oversensitive
Completely burnt out from caring for resident patient population
Enrolling for Medicare/Medicaid
Is a virgin man in his 30s a turn off/instant dealbreaker for you?
Do medical school relationships last?
AITA for refusing to move back to Indiana?
Tactics for mentally surviving an abusive program
Childless, but not by choice
Thinking about going from 2 weeks on-call to 4 weeks for December, get them out of the way on a less busy time
PGY4. Went to a tough medical school. I now teach med students myself. AMA
Making a relationship work with a peer- any nuggets of wisdom?