Why does Taylor have Tree with her at events?
Just finished Season Two
What are Everyone's Skip-over Scenes?
Explain normal people in exactly 9 words
Steven and Taylor?
Are people bummed about Paris?
Who’s a celebrity you’re convinced had a thing for a costar/another celebrity based on their public interactions, interviews etc?
Is it just me?
Episode 10
Having a baby and worried about my iggy
You mean Conrad? Belly and cam scene
Thoughts where “exile” ranks compared to other songs in Folklore
Cabo & lacie
All the times Conrad was flirting with Belly in S2…
Season 4?
Sky and Anut Julia were totally the result of lazy writing.
will bonrad tell jere they’re back together?
Wrap-Up Party
What’s with Alex??
Steven/Conrad/Jere in season 3
Do you think belly will realize she's the one who broke up with conrad and not the other way around?
Is it worth it to read the books after having the love triangle spoiled?
Belly, Conrad, and Jeremiah filming.