Fitting class ideas for a resist Durge?
Dual-wielding sorcadin - where did I go wrong?
All-Time Lions FINALE, Day 9: Hated By Fans, Bad Player
This guy is a jackass (CJGJ)
A Nazi gets punched in the face.
Proper progression and gear for Lockadin in Honor Mode?
Help building a melee Cleric
How important is it to get ability scores to 20?
I just noticed that the tiefling kids robbed me D=
What mods you cant live without? for me is Faerun Colors!
Who knew NFCNorthMemeWar was punk?
“Super Bowl tickets are plummeting” because nobody wants to see this trash!
Detroit context in regards to trading for Myles Garrett
Myles Garrett Requested a Trade
Adding GWM Bonus Attack and Gloomstalker Attack to hotbar
We gotta make the call right?
Lions RB coach Scottie Montgomery interviewed for the Cowboys OC Position
We continue to live rent free in the Lambs’ heads
Who are you looking forward the most to watching play next year?
when you see the guys we got poised for their “third year jump”
Person refuses to add nazi emblem
I never thought breaking a fictional heart would hurt so bad
Azurith, my embrace Durge
You're stuck on a 12 hour flight, where do you sit?
AIO my boyfriend was too tired to drive me to my abortion