When did you start taking your puppy out?
Do you recall drinking this before reaching legal age?
When the maintenance dude before you do no work
What's wrong with this picture?
Sigh 😖
My car's better than yours!
Thanks Cap 2, sincerely overnights 🖕
To the customer that did this I hate you
Is a 14 year age gap an issue as you get older with your partner?
Oh Shit
Styles of footprints?
Do your BMCs like to cuddle?
I wanna know who tf designed this. 😂
Everyone says I need a door. Why do I need a door?
My local grocery pickup in one picture
Does this mean I'm hired?
What's the deal with the luggage rack on a muscle car?
Please adopt him
Please till me he’s not ugly 😭
Tough puzzle toys?
People with childhood struggles.. how to cope and have peace?
Coaches keep telling people ppto can only be used in emergencies
O/N, your quotas have been pushed up 15%.
I’m ready to wake up and have him not be a puppy anymore
What is the biggest spill you had to clean up