Why did you break up with the one you thought was the love of your life?
Can I deposit money into bank account without parent's permission
2319 Mandela effect
Calling all tiny nail Queens
This is just ridiculous
Can you help me with my final Honor's Research Project?
At least they tasted good
Just a silly face I caught 😂 share your derps in the comments!
Anyone else eating way too many of the Korean Sweet and Spicy Puffs? So damn good!
Old SF Restaurants you miss and wish were still open
Are you a homeowner?
the no even exchange policy is infuriating
Oh no… I slipped and accidentally bought more LEGO
Purple shampoo rec's
My niece has a problem
What did you make for dinner today? 12.31.24
I love old machines
What are you making for New Year’s Day?
Whats in the booooox 😭
BWT: what are your favorite subreddits you follow and why?
Random godchildren in the PH just because you're based abroad
AITA for refusing to give my mother access to my savings account even though she says it's for "family emergencies"?
Gifts for my mom
Happy Holidays to all!