Another Picture of Today's Protest at the Capitol
Jasmine Crockett down at the Treasury Dept speaking up for us. She’s one of the few left I think are actually giving a shit.
Just joined, Can I get an F to pay respects
Your favorite tarot card, but only with emojis
Citrine at the Inner Mongolia Museum of Natural History
For people who have played a game for over 1000 hours
Anyone diagnosed with migraines but not the typical painful kind?
I think I have PTSD from migraines
Do yall have any red dead "red flags"
Is it possible to find jobs that mostly only focus on data visualization ?
Looking for an extreme Sentinel planet~
Players who have owned over 10 horses and that aren’t attached to the nacogdoches saddle
Accepted a Job Offer, but Dream Company Wants an Interview - What to Do?
Mustafar Fortress Now Hiring!
Mustafar Fortress
I Made Mustafar Fortress in No Man's Sky
Beautiful white, tailed tiger kitty on a beautiful planet.
Raptor Neighbors / Colorado
Full Armor, Magenta and White Hammerhead Living Ship, with triple thrusters!
T3 Vykeen system in Euclid (cross-platform). Three cool fighters, one with purple chrome.
Someone on the Walmart social media team has had enough of COVIDiots
What old video games do you still play regularly?
The look of astonishment
A drawing with all the space characters you’ll ever need