A New Eden: Book is currently free on Audible
Where do we draw the line ?
Stories you gave up on. Why
Guys, I can explain this
Japan? for real?
Help making Scratch the bestest of good boys!
Loving Ogres
How do I even beat these guys as Cathay? (First comment for deets)
I didn't know, I was supposed to share something
This reminds me of something
Everyone in every other subreddit to us when someone asks for a book recommendation.
Back-to-back characters' obstacle
We've never gotten a concrete reason to believe anyone else can be
The prevalence of sociopathic characters
The road n̶o̶t̶ taken. ✅
Arcane Ascension 6 is up for Preorder on Kindle!
What is your pick in normal or solo honor run?
Some random pins i love😭
Any more examples of a trope I love - evolving by eating?
Uses for [Cotton Magic]?
Like mother like son
Best Build for Solo HM?
Creeper Megumin