Songs that say “fuck you im still going to succeed” despite hard times and bad people
Its pretty sad that for most of the psychiatry psychology field, if CBT doesn't help you and you cant take drugs, then they are out of tools in the toolbox.
Im tired of eternal Small talk
The reason we have president Trump is because we stooped to the Republicans’ level as leftists
People that were not “liked” or “uncool” in High school where are you now in your adult lives?
What do you think Stormtroopers think about ?
What's something that isn't therapy, but feels like therapy?
The Amazing World of Gumball (2011 - ongoing) has a lot of messed up jokes but how did they get away with THIS?!!!
Therapists excuse child abuse if the parents "tried their best."
Nobody Is More Qualified To Give Advice To People Just Because They Are Older
Does being intelligent make you more unhappy and isolated?
Does anyone have anger issues or feel they are very quick to anger?
Which track is the most beautiful and/or well done from Raditude
Bouncer vs shirtless man
Muay-Thai vs. Taekwondo
Mexican fights racist black guy and White person
Guy in the brown started it by talking too much lip
Why are so many Gen Alpha kids falling down the Alt Right pipe line?
What is the best album of 1994?
What happened to "we only like legal documented immigrants"?
I Don’t Like People Thinking They’re More Qualified To Give Advice To People Just Because They Are Older