مايهمني ايش يسوي محمد بن سلمان، بظل شاكر له على جهوده انه طلعنا من ظلام فترة الصحوة.
ايش رايكم في كلام دونالد ترمب لما قال انه ينوي امريكا تحتل غزة بدال اسرائيل؟
الحمد لله
DAE not know a damn thing about the grammies?
What do you think about teachers/professors who often talk about politics and their political opinions even though it’s unrelated to the class?
How often are you late to work?
Apostate Prophet hints his possible conversion to Christianity? (and I respect it)
I prefer the classic way of viewing pornography than internet pornography.
I prefer the classic way of viewing pornography than internet pornography because there was atleast a little bit of physical effort. Instantaneous access feels too good that it’s bad.
Undine rising from the water
Someone reported me cause I said “Mohammed likes little boys and girls. Fuck Islam” on a post about how Muslim men tend to treat their females like sex objects.
Who is the biggest hypocrite you personally know and why?
طبعًا و وزعوا شوكولاتة و ورود كمان 🥰
تعليق نرويجية على مقتل سليمان موميكا
Psychos celebrating Salwan’s passing
سلوان موميكا
What made you immediately lose interest in someone?
Has ApostateProphet announced his conversion to Christianity yet?
Did you guys listen to Mel Gibson’s painfully stupid take on the Joe Rogan podcast?
حتى محمد يستحي يقول كذا
As a rule of thumb, are white lies justifiable or wrong?
القران لا يدرك انه الارض كوكب و يصفه انه "الدنيا"
إعطونا اقتراحاتكم لتحسين الصب
اهل البيت اثناء بيعة ابو بكر بدال علي: