Low Tier Gameplay
When 2 bullets collide
When you realize the stuff in your trunk is worth more than the car itself.
What a car producing company has to do with terrorist groups ? Petah ?
1967 - Me (front) and my Dad's band. Dad is left rear.
Tandy Leather sells Fort Worth headquarters, nails down space in Benbrook
should i buy the even90?
Master on Tesak after 380 games ... Finnaly
Here's my Dreieckigepyramideausgepanzertemuntergang
NCD designs a space warship Day 2, top comment(s) decide what’s added/changed on the ship
I hate arty as much as the next guy, but this one engagement was the most fun I've had in a fair while. (only playing to get campaign orders to skip 260 missions)
Tied top damage means 2 high-calibers. First time seeing it in 30k battles
Panther KF51 - looks like it could be a decent Tier 8 premium. Could use a buff to its speed, armor and gun handling, tho
Paul Karason turned permanently blue after consuming colloidal silver for years, thinking it would cure various health issues. The buildup of silver in his body caused a rare condition called argyria, which turned his skin a bluish-grey.
Why keep baiting us?
Help(xm4) is there a replacement part for this
Which Tanks out of Tier 7 to 10 for 6 Kills Missions?
Just got the call/email/text whatever
Might be my best game of all time
OP tier 8s are really OP
Has anyone else tried this ?
YPG franken-tank - T55 hull with a BMP-1 turret.
DZT 159 finally marked, I just love this thing
WG, why make up tanks when we can have the real thing???
Why does WG keep putting Reskinned Premiums in Lootboxes?..