Does anyone know any shops that sell cheap(€20-30) cabin luggage?
Ada yang bisa spill resep ayam minyak jahe angke?
Cheatday Breakfast
Drop your nasi goreng recipes please!! 🫣🫣
Apakah tidak berbicara sama pacar untung 1-2 minggu karena mau me time wajar? (Bisa dalam context tinggal 1 kota/LDR)
Hi what can I do in Cologne if above 5pm aside from going to pubs?
Planning to use flixbus/flixtrain how’s your experience?
What food/small things can I bring for my friend who stays in Germany from the UK?
Cheap food you can find in Aachen that tastes good? (Please drop the price too and I’m open to try any type of cuisine)
Planning to go to 2-3 cities in Germany is there a daily bus ticket I can buy? Where can I buy it? thank you
Akhirnya berhasil bikin nasi goreng yang kering🙏🏻 thank you kulineria users
Cheap food you can find in Cologne that tastes good? (Please drop the price too and I’m open to try any type of cuisine)
Kalau masak nasi goreng selalu lembek walaupun udah digoreng lama, need tips please! More info di text bawah⬇️
January 2025 - 99p Offers Amazon UK
Dual passport travel, where one country doesn't support dual citizenship
Apakah ada yang pernah apply Schengen Tourist Visa? Biasanya dapat length berapa lama ya? Dengar2 ada yang sesuai itinerary yang kita submit/ada yang 6 bulan/1 tahun? Boleh share pengalaman? Terima kasih
Buta dan Chicken Ramen khas Edinburgh
I took a CS major in a technical university in Germany (I’m not German) would it be difficult for me to get a CS related job in Sydney? Thanks
Just wondering but what is the cheapest fulfilling yummy food you can find in Leeds? Near city centre or a 20-40 minute walking radius from city centre?
Does anyone have any experience mailing postcard to Indonesia?
Kerja part time literally 12 jam sehari
Visiting Indonesia now
komodos disini ada yg masih inget aplikasi ini?
Found a stick at Nariaiji Temple, Japan
Bahasa daerah paling seksi?