Froedtert CRNAs
New gen vs old gen doctors
Up to 80% not accepted into PA school
Sunday Riley: 50% off on GMA Deals
A country with checks and balances!
It’s constantly sad as BW how much negativity we have to endure during positive moments in our life…
That was fast, like, only a few hours or minutes fast
Sixth post + bonus for you all. :)
Sony replacement
Lawless Beauty on GMA deals. Half off
If you are looking for xm5 go to costco pls.
Thoughts on the Wole Soyinka Discourse??
Disappointment at its peak.
Sankey for below average GPA career changer applicant with an IA!
What are some Nigerian foods you don’t like ?
It's finally over I get to make one of these 😭😭 (low gpa mid mcat) (with timeline)
I'm White and born in Nigeria; do Nigerians consider me Nigerian?
How to deal with disrespectful mean ancillary staff
So sick of the demanding/condescending personalities in medicine
Youthforia no longer at Ulta
How safe is Lagos for a white European?
You'll never believe what just happened. 😂
What changes for you after getting your green card?
Charlotte Bickley