How's 2025 going so far?
What is the thing which can instantly ruin relationship?
What’s the unforgettable memory in your life?
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
It's good to have backup when you're a beginner...
Can I efficiently improve this workflow for a better coffee? Grinder upgrade?
If aliens landed tomorrow what’s the first thing you’d say if they asked you to describe humanity?
Why did the cow jump over the moon?
What is something no one knows about you?
What if Donald Trump were the president of USA?
Is there a best way to brew underdeveloped coffee?
What’s the weirdest law you’ve encountered?
If you had to do life all over again, what would you change?
What’s something legal that feels incredibly illegal when you do it?
If you had to choose a number between 1 and 1000 what would it be?
What is the most frequently quoted movie or tv show on reddit?
What to do if toilet seat is very cold?
What instantly puts you in a good mood?
Thinking of selling 64 MPs for Pietro, how do they compare for filter ?
What country you will not visit in any case, even it will be free, and why?
What is your superpower based off your username?
What is your favorite bread?
How to last longer than 20s? [Sage Barista Express Impress]
What are your favorite movie genres, and your favorite movie from each genre?
It is absolutely ridiculous how much the taste of a coffee can change depending on the cup you're drinking out of.