Why Do So Many People Spend Real Money on In-Game Gold?
I've returned to game after not playing for awhile and this is what I've got from free chests. Is this considered lucky? Seems a bit too generous
I just can't win a game today, what should i do different ?
Rune prices for mythic crafting are ridiculous, even for no lifers.
A tired subject but £20 for a pet is complete madness
Well shit
Ich habe meinen Finanzen kontrollieren lassen
Gross als Frau, ich halte es nicht mehr aus
Which anime character are you reviving?
Bin ich der einzige hier, der nicht glauben kann, dass die AfD so dreist ist, "Remigration" Plakate aufzuhängen?
That my a year worth of luck i guess..
Can I play just the Expansion storyline?
Why was Brooke about to hit zoro when he was hurt, is he stupid?
Songs that feel like this?
Weed is really fucking addictive
Is Irelia worth it to play
What anime do you like but you don't like the main character?
Was letzte Bettelanzeige
What anime quote is the hardest
Hi guys, Im planning to buy this but Im not sure if its worth it. Did anyone get a skin out of this?
Which moment had you like this?
Ich (M37) habe Angst vor Kindern
Ist das gut?
How do I make a new save