You get $100M, but there’s a catch… Can you handle it? (Repost)
Suite mate will not stop screaming.
Stoner meal of choice??
Stuck inside alone for 6 months with unlimited food/drink/drugs for 1 million dollars?
Gordon Ramsay comes to eat to your house and if he doesn’t hate it you get 1 million dollars, what do you cook ?
Let's say I'm an eccentric billionaire, giving away money to a select few who respond to this post.
Customer made me cry today
Why do nebs lay like this
Have there been people you know who have given you shit about working at Walmart?
You get $15 million USD but I will use a random country generator to determine which country you live in for the rest of your life....
Does anyone know what this is?
What on god's green earth gave birth to me
this is why we need the department of education😭
My husband keeps buying ground beef. What can I do with it that’s not burgers or meatloaf?
Whelp…that went well.
So, are the boomers really trying to make the end times bible story come true so that jesus will come back?
horrible car accident
What would be the creepiest Pokemon to encounter in real life?
she gets angry if i don’t hold her like this when i’m working
What does my fridge say about me & my life?
My wife says this doesn't count.
What else can I do?
Why is his poop so smelly?!
Some new plant pals I've made recently 🥰🐍