AIO my coworker stole my edible
They’ve quite literally killed Splitting
First timer
Hot Take, Character Mastery is terrible
A Troll Just Stole My Legendary Dragon Kill
Been Playing Since Launch And Never Hit Infinite
Way To Cool!
I've Never Bought A Variant Before, But I'm Tempted.
My Username Worked Lol
Less than a year, and I've already hit 50 decks - it's been crazy fun. If you have any questions about any of my decks here, let me know!
Should Invasive Hydravine become a dragon? Not only would it be thematically fitting, it'd also help the Viego gameplan
Dear everyone currently running MODOK + Invisible Woman Decks...
Heimdall move deck players are a different breed.
A preemptive meme
I really drew all 5 rocks from Subterranea one after the other
If you could time travel and go to any concert as your current self, what would that concert be?
What is something that you have that you hate, but you can’t get rid of?
What's a movie or show you enjoyed that you wouldn't watch a second time?
What piece of media or artist do you really like, but can't stand the fan base surround it?
[serious] People who've been in a car crash, if you do remember the crash itself, what was it like? How did you feel?
What show did you start and wound up hating so much you didn’t finish it?
What a fun game.
Rating Marvel Snap characters based on how I knew them prior
Sorry, not sorry (for playing Rogue on the last turn)