Husband doesn't want to vote for genocide? Divorce immediately.
Just because
Jetzt gibt es keine Ausrede mehr, die Linke nicht zu wählen!
Who would, or will, you vote for in the 2024 German federal election?
What is your political affiliation?
Was learning about a different PEMDAS method called BODMAS in math class and this image popped in my head.
Jede Diskussion mit Grünen/SPD
CMV: socialist capitalist societies provide a better quality of life for their citizens compared to communist societies
8 Gründe, Die Linke zu wählen
A Question for the Men in this sub. What do you personally think makes you a "good guy"? Gals also, as always, please advice!
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Neulich in r/gekte
Is Reddit a left wing echo chamber?
Afro Anti-Authoritarịan
Shitty levels are the best levels.
BMW, mercedes or Audi?
Leftists, which party would you vote for in the 2025 German federal election?
Menners sind scheiße wörtlich genommen: Jette Nietzard: „Können zumindest keine Frauen mehr schlagen“
Which situation is worse?
Which government handles Islamic Terrorism better?
How many digits of pi do you remember?
Have you ever been harassed by a stranger before?
Should the U.S have free universal health care?
I'm a radical feminist, AMA :)