White space
Comments removed on NG for "trolling"
Lost spirit?
Thoughts on Cyrus Kirkpatrick saying we carry our "diseases" to the afterlife?
After 15 or more years now, I've finally found out I'm not crazy and there's a term for what I experience.
When did kids take over this sub?
I'm scared to astral project
Astral city
Astral projection and shifting, same basis
what do u think about ppl that say things in AP can backfire?
I lost my sleep
I'm curious about it
What to know about non-physical guides (spirit guides) and how they are doing their job? (repost)
Who knows? Are we?
Looking for and explanation
Has anyone else felt like they're being watched, but there's no one there?
Afterlife for people who kill themselves ?
Counseling in AP?
I wish to speak with my deceased mother.
How long Will take deceased loved one to appear or give an signs?
Sleep paralysis rape.
Gateway Tapes
noob question: are astral beings subjected to any rules, laws or boundaries?
Vibrations as if possessed