Should I pay National insurance gaps? Would you?
Crazy idea
Future series might need one important format change
At what age did you reach (or do you project to) reach £1MM net worth?
Hit a milestone this week: £700k net worth!
Selling our fixer upper after 5 years: what we learnt
How Do You Think the Current Government Might Impact the FIRE Movement in the UK?
Reasonable Pension Rates
Does anyone else here hate working?
Pension tax relief to be abolished?
Hit a milestone today: £600k net worth!
Mortgage overpayments
Purpose built FI tracking app
What avg returns and inflation rate are you using in your future planning?
What is the issue with this flat?
Does anyone pay 40% + of their monthly salary to their mortgage?
How do you manage with the “but everybody gets 30 hrs free childcare?”
What do you include In your net-worth calculations?
Net worth calculation with defined benefit pension.
From negative to £1m [32M] - 11 years of tracking finances
The words of a fund manager justifying his job, or not?
How do you calculate your savings rate?
Bitcoin is for next generation what real estate was for boomers
What is your FIRE number today vs before?
Spring budget megathread