Never done voice training before, what does my voice sound like to you?
Thrift Store Find
Do you think you can get really fluent without ever visiting a country where the language is spoken?
what is the best Phineas and Ferb adult joke?/which one are you surprised they got away with?
Why are you learning the language you are learning?
Tonal languages sound easy!
What is the weirdest sound you have evolved in your phonology?
Change my view: it is impossible(!) to learn languge as adult
Underrated languages
Does anyone else feel pressure to learn more “useful” languages?
Americans are any of you actually saying [oʊ] in place of [əʊ]?
Coaxed into linguistic nitpicking
R/languagelearning fakes
Want to continue your Japanese immersion but don’t have the visa extension or money?
Is this true about Danish?
Just learned that Memrise community courses still exist!
Someone who studies Greenlandic?
What’s a turn of phrase in your language that people just can’t figure out/does not translate well like, “it’s raining cats and dogs”
Utility vs enjoyment, Which do you choose?
Do what you want with it but I highly recommend this
True story 😅
Learning a language because of media?
Easiest language ?
What are some words that exist in your primary language but don't exist in your target language?
Welcome to Day 3 of the 12-Day Language Learning Challenge!