An apology to the community
Venom when he runs out of swings (animation by me)
This has to be a joke right?
I got curious and calculated the Rank Percentile diff when excluding Bronze 3 (assumably unranked players)
Ok, I’ll say it. Y’all only like defensive support ults because it turns bad players into decent players.
Should I even play ranked?
Am I the problem?
Genuinely Curious, what's up with Seraphine?
Exercises so I can carry my girlfriend
Thanos VS Wonder Woman
Average Magento interaction:
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Newer players will never understand the anxiety that was going into a ranked game for the first time and hearing this theme in the champion select
Who wins this free for all?
Why does my bot lane lose so consistently?
Where do you even learn how to heal?