Raquel Buenrostro relata cómo fue el proceso para obligar a WALMART a pagar sus impuestos. El adeudo era de 11mil millones y ofrecían 30 millones para finiquitar el pago. ''Prefiero litigar 30 años, que pagar impuestos''.
Season 4 Riley Finn is so dreamy!!
Cómo les puede gustar el betabel? Sabe a TIERRA!
Some people doubt this is worth it.
Studying in California
Sorry but Buffy without any of the original writers is like a band reuniting without any original members.
Buffy would recur but not be the central focus.
Surely Klaus would've had a baby before hope at some point in his life?
Trump retreats from Mexico tariffs, will tackle illegal American guns entering Mx, Mx to continue ongoing border deployment
[Day 7/8] We’re in the endgame now. Mylo Xyloto is the Coldplay album that “divides the fandom”. What’s their “Fan favourite”?
¿Con qué comen o preparan estas galletas?
Favourite Osmosis Song
Cinepolis, bájale una rayita a tu mamoneria 🙄
hottest girl in the oc?
Unpopular opinion: the long ass current live mix of One Night/All Night is obnoxious af
There we go 💦
Para ustedes, ¿Cuál es el estado más olvidado de Mexico?
Should my wife and I re-home our cat?
Lineup by day plus additions
What do you think this look means?
Who is the vampire you would least want to come after you?
I got banned from r/feminism for saying it's my body my choice in terms of sex work.
I am freezing lol
Fisher’s insane weekend schedule