Which rapper was the most ahead of his time?
Futures best album and its not even close
What are some other examples of older rappers that have adapted to modern hip-hop
I wish eminem would just go back to his old flow man
What are your thoughts on fakemink and his album "London's Saviour"?
Can y’all say where y’all from real quick? I’m trynna see how large Drake’s fanbase is🦉🌎
What Eminem Collab do you never want to see?
What was normal 2005 but not in 2025?
Szukam śmiesznego imienia dla tego pana
Why are these tickets so expensive? In my country most people dont make this much in a year
„z niewiadomych przyczyn stracił panowanie nad pojazdem” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Are there any other anthemic Young Thug songs like "digits"
Unlock your Potential
Fierce 5-like upper lower split
In my city is a begginer tattoo artists tatting for free and it made me want to give that tattoo thing a shot.
Polska wydaje 6mld euro na dotacje dla samochodów firmowych
What artists have a self-titled album that isn’t their first?
What Artist Is This?
Jestem studentem i żałuję tego
Why is Bound 2 music video so fucking terrible? Was it ironic or what?
Diddy was like Epstein for black celebrities.
Metropolita krakowski grzmi: „Chcą pozbawić dzieci nauczania o Bogu”
Cringe przy sluchaniu polskiej muzyki popowej/hip hopu
What's the stupidest thing Em has done in your opinion?
How can I optimalise creating videos so that I can drop more often?