Is my best friend a narcissist?
Is my best friend a narcissist? My best friend constantly seeks male attention.
How do I stop attracting narcissists?
What is the dumbest thing your narcissist said?
I’m going on dates with someone new after my narc ex discarded me 7 months ago. Things are going well with this new guy but I still have trauma from my narc in the back of my mind.
It’s been almost 7 months since I’ve been discarded and I hooked up with someone new who I met on a night out. I suddenly feel nauseous because my narc ex left me with trauma.
I cried for the first time in months and had a moment of sadness due to trauma from my ex narcissistic boyfriend and living with my narcissistic father.
“New supply” almost always a downgrade?
What helps you with depression?
What’s a normal time frame for a narcissist ex to try to come back into your life and to try to reconnect with you after no contact?
Nervous Breakdown after the Discard
I blocked my narcissist’s family and mutual friends of ours 6 months after the discard.
How was sex with your narcissist?
Do narcissists ever come back after a discard and smear campaign?
Smirk when you break down crying
I’m afraid of ever getting into another relationship after experiencing one with a narcissist and the trauma will always be in my mind.
I won't call them "fights" anymore. I call them verbal abuse tirades/assaults because they are always one-sided attacks.
What are some of the early red flags you dismissed?
"I want to get you pregnant so you are mine forever"
Will a Narcissist continue come back after you exposed them?
Did your narc spouse regularly cook for you?
What stage of grief are you at?
Has anyone ever taken back their ex narcissist after months or years of no contact? If so, what was it like?
Do narcissists ever get their karma?