This champ is the biggest “F You” to assassins ever
Catholics, do you ever feel suicidal?
Goodbye Niko, my hero
hard stuck 2000 elo
Yesterday I had 3 trollers in 3 different matches. I told them to take it seriously today I meet this cool guy and my FBI went from 970 to "RED zone" what can I do to encounter this. Soon I will be banned for meeting trollers that are reporting me?
jesus fuckin christ dude
Tusk's government cut the number of all visas issued in the first half of this year by 31 per cent compared with the same period in 2023. Rules for student visas were also tightened to prevent misuse by incomers planning to work rather than study.
Is it legal?
PiS destroyed state defence system and let thousands of Russians in without proper verification
banned for unsportsmanlike conduct because im deaf? lol
Wcale nie jestem zaskoczony wynikiem wyborów w USA
Why do we allow Russians to play in Eu servers?
Game stuck after loading screen(i cant Play)
So is it like…guaranteed NIKO is leaving?🥲
New G2 video is out. This one hurts
Greek leaders tell German president a WWII reparations claim is very much alive
As a Georgian imigrant: Thank you Poles!
if u don't drop AWP to 3 stack this happens mostly
Should i listen my priest?
ban for verbal abuse
Why this guy dont get ban?
What anti Catholic argument boggles your mind the most?
What u think about Orban, and reclaim old Hungarian territories?
Is this fair? lvl 10 in low level lobby.
Darwin type of situation