Fantasy writing
Arabic fantasy writer?
Arabic fiction writers?
Arabic fantasy writers?
Kinship in Kno
ẅī̃́wàwā̀, a language I made in school for fun.
Two Criteria for a Successful Conlang
243 pronoun system
Uncle Vernon’s bravery
IPA but Arabic script
The Best best YA fantasy?
[Warbreaker] Can I get recommendations for other books like it?
(Number of Vowel qualities) vs (number of vowels)
Proto-Iziquaean Introduction, Phonology, Numbers
Conlang Word Derivation
is Harry Potter difficult to read for non native english speakers?
Weird phonotactics in you conlangs?
typological encyclopedia ..?
mysterious languages ..
..mysterious languages
Why is Egypt called Mizraim in Hebrew?
Chinese or Japanese???
Special subreaddit for (story design)
I am struggling with syntax