Imagine using a giant gravesite for clout
Spoke to Inpw
Heru is quite the king
Ra is the sky
New to Kemetic
The nature of the Gods
I'm having trouble "connecting" with Djehuty.
What is the most disrespectful thing someone had said or done revolving around this faith?
How do you worship the Gods?
Ok like what major are y’all doing
How does Sekhmet come across when you interact with her (quiet, loud, etc)?
Being from a lower socio-economic background at UChicago?
Books on Anubis
What does it mean by “PDF form submission” on common app? How do I get the PDF for my teachers?
What should I be looking for in a college?
Kemetism and bipolarism
Do some people out there still know ancient Egyptian?
New more archaeological discoveries related to Queen Hatshepsut by Dr. Zahi Hawass!❤️
Who is your favourite fight and why?
Chance me (a low GPA gap-year student) for T20’s - is this a scam site? I bought stuff from it :(
What major are you applying as and why?
What college supplements are you procrastinating the most?
Assistance with extended essay?