Open Beta Test 2 Preload is Live! (And also how Decos work and a couple things on Weapons)
Confirmation of a Speculated TU monster found in the Benchmark
Is the 20th Anniversary Zinogre render (different from IB and Rise models) the design they will use in Wilds?
First PC Build - What CPU and motherboard to pair with RX 7800 XT?
Next Trailer in a few days! GIVE ME ICESHARD CLIFFS
Nerfarious black flame name
The Final Month - Weekly Recap of Datamine and Official Information #1
A Breakdown of Monsters by Hunter Rank
A Brief Look and Some Observations at the High Rank Weapon Trees
Wilds title updates wishlist/prediction
Considering Wilds is taking a lot of inspiration from MH4, how do you think Wilds roster compares to base MH4? And to Rise?
How the Monster Leaks are making me Feel right Now: (This will be one of the best Base Roster in the Franchise)
New Insight on how Progression (almost certainly) works + Chapters + Final Boss (basically) Confirmed + Possible TU implications
They Warned And Even Said It In The Video
Second open beta announced
Such a coincidence indeed!
Here's why I still don't buy the supposed TU1 lineup
Welcome to Monster Hunter
Bro just gimme e162 already
To those who are disappointed with the returning roster: a rant
The returners are unbelievable
MASSIVE Hitstop increase for TCS in the MH Wilds preview build
Tokuda confirms they are aiming at 30fps and 60fps modes for Wilds on console
Full Congalala Hunt Gameplay
EM 161 and 162 theory after new leak