Heirloom competition
CRYPTIC POST MEGATHREAD: All theories, etc. here
Level Guide
Season 1 Vs 2 - Storage
r/DinerOutNetflix Ask Anything Thread
Season 2
What are your biggest annoyances with the game and what would you like to see in the future?
WIBTA For forcing my condo co-owner to sell the condo
Co-owner of condo is threatening to default on their half of the mortgage if I rent out my half
Lunaescence Recovery? UPDATE
New age auto producer
Bonus Order in the Trophy Chase as well
Anyone manage vine, lanterns and music store on one board?
Pizza Ovens
Auto orders for wartime figurines?
Thread for becoming Facebook Friends for Trading
Can I delete?
Eli5 how you cycle through the inbox? Say i need an item that is on the bottom but my board is full. What do I do?
Art Supplies
New area unlocked: Windmill
Struggling for the card ...Does anyone know what's inside these two treasure chests? I want to know if they're worth it.
Does the Music Store retire the Haunted House?
My kingdom for a balance ball
200 energy for no reason?
Any similar games you would recommend?