Super mass gainer?
Sleep attacks?
How early should someone be diagnosed?
Should i get tested
Weekly Megathread for Pricing, Dating, or Authentication Requests ("How much is this worth?" "What decade is this from?")
I have never had this happen before but I tried to be as upfront and proactive as out I could😭😭😭
Dating, number on tag
Anyone have any good bags they need to part with?
Vyvanse withdrawal
Do you feel like you have better memory?
A question about culture and sensitivity test
Case study question, help explain why I’m wrong.
What led you to get tested?
$25 for 100% leather cowboy boots
Traveling to Japan where stimulants are banned. Anyone have advice for what to do?
Poshmark Consignment Network
Does anyone know the style? Tag rubbed off
What’s y’all’s biggest boots steals ??
Help dating this pair, 90s?
All of a sudden someone is adding tons of things to a bundle and liking it as well?
As a narcoleptic, how’s your memory?
What’s Your Biggest Sourcing Regret?
Are we always ironing?