What is the oddest or most unnecessary added scene in the movies that's not in the books?
Was I the only one who enjoyed sgu
A bad retelling of the early mythology of the world
What are quotes from other media that could’ve come directly from Tolkien’s pen?
What's the purpose of nonhuman races in your setting?
What’s your favorite tense and POV to write from?
Kirlin - The Melodical Tongue
Wo ist die Regel festgelegt, dass man nach "endgültig nicht bestanden" ähnlichen Studiengängen nicht mehr antreten darf?
How much is too much?
Are we all in agreement that AI needs to be far from books and content making?
Numerology in your conlang
What’s the most unique feature of your conlang’s grammar or syntax that you’re proud of?
Most iconic One-episode line?
How do you come up with the names of cities and towns in your language?
Application of Formal Language Theory
Advice: What phones/phonemes would you associate with fungi and mushrooms?
Genuine question
I had an idea for a color-based language.
Have you noticed that people have become significantly more politically active in recent weeks?
Is there any online web or app that helps conlangers keep track of their words, grammar etc
Does your conlang have dialects?
Signs at Munich Hbf
How does one say “I can eat glass, it does not hurt me” in your conlang?
What can and cannot be a root word?
How do writers make readers believe conversations are about something than what they actually are?