I mean those distances are getting ridiculous haha
Fantasy: Die Nadel im Heuhaufen finden
Both are pretty valid reasons
Sasau Monastery
Hi, new player here(noob) what's should I know before play?
Does anyone actually like Todd?
Am I crazy for believing GRRM about TWOW (spoilers extended)
How do I write women????
(Spoilers Main) some hopium for the soul
Wikipedia with the ultimate jerk
Who is your favorite fantasy author?
Der hat halt Prioritäten
Which are the milestones of fantasy that fantasy reader should definitely read?
Könnt ihr ein Fitzek-Buch empfehlen?
Thoughts on A Feast For Crows? (SPOILERS MAIN)
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Wind and Truth - a spoiler filled review - SA is no longer for me, and that's fine.
If your face is ugly, you're screwed
City downfall over
Gamers when it comes to having the worst possible tatoos
What’s an NSFW tip you know?
This should be something we can all agree on but for whatever reason, the Circle Jerk crew just can’t accept it.
(Spoilers Main) GRRM has thinned down a lot. It is nice to see he's taking good care of his health.