My(21F) boyfriend(21M) is annoyed of me
what are really cool things you've done or experiences you've had that you would recommend ?
( Female ,21) what are really cool things you've done or experiences youve had that you would recommend reddit?
what are really cool things you've done or experiences youve had that you would recommend reddit?
Starving but when I eat I feel nauseous?
What has d9 done for y’all after leaving undergrad ?
Advice for a 21 year old black woman ?
I am trying to do the signature but its not letting me ?
Has anyone take the credit by exam for microeconomics through Collegeboard?
Which business degree should I pursue that will most likely help me out with my film degree in the long run ?
Have u dealt with this? how would you deal with this ?
Stuck in my degree route. What should I do?
Does anyone start thinking of everything that's gone wrong in their lives when something goes wrong?
Does anyone wholeheartedly follow the Ethiopian Christian Orthodox religion?
Do you feel the need to emotionally connect and talk with your family ?
Would doing a double major be worth it in my situation? What should I do?
Does anyone know why i get these?I’ve been getting them for a while.
Are there any Film internships in Houston? Or any available remote ones?