DIY UV curing station flicker
Favorite Joke on re-watch so far
toy snowman
Unknown schematic labels/too many headers...
Is it possible to create a volume pedal like this from scratch?
I asked ChatGPT to make me a diagram for wiring a 3PDT true bypass footswitch.
How's your ground plane game?
what is this metal notch for?
And so it begins
How can I remove that black jelly body?
Can I connect and power multiple things off these (and how)
I finally completed a working pedal…but…
DIY Synth Circuit Resources
Circuit Bending Sony Discman, manual online
Where do you store your tools and/or components when not in use?
Hoe to unplug this little bastard?
Predator 9500 Inverter generator will not run!
Woohoo -- actually got a PCB design to work right on the first attempt
My first official step in building a synth!
Why do my etches look like this?
Always triple check your components.
Embarrassing question - how do I use these bezels?
Why is SPICE software so bad?
Any reason these 1uf electrolytics *shouldnt* be subbed out for 1uf film caps?
Anybody know how long the Electrosmash shop is going to be closed?