My girlfriend thinks that I should be proud of her for not abusing me for the past week
Still shocked by this
Oh Lord
MILES UPSHUR is a FRAUD and a SOCIOPATH he did not actually want to escape
just found out im a narcassist
Please don't lie about your past
I experienced my first "NiceGirl" meltdown
Well ok then...
The council has decided that it’s just healthy kink when a woman does it
She couldn’t wait 20 mins for a text response and crashed out
PSA: Don't join Facebook meet groups
Satisfying clip of Denims being caught in a lie :)
DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: Content Nuke - Hasan Piker
This pure comment on the Content nuke 😭😭
Eye opening
Sam response to red stone video
Found in my good old scottish village facebook group
I’m genuinely scared …
Entitled moms (poor kids!)
Random Message From Homophobic Lady
what a lovely human she is
what makes me ugly? What can I do to make my facial features better and more attractive?
My grandmother trying to get me to be a choosing beggar
AIO to my boyfriend’s naked friend?
Why do they bring up "sexism" ALL the time