Ben Folds burgers not in the picture.
To those saying boycotts won't work (from a former retail worker) ... Also, spread the word and join in the economic boycott on Feb 28th!
To those saying boycotts won't work (from a former retail worker)
A boomer at work was saying, “ ya know…the Big Banks don’t want ya to know this but…
Wasn’t invited to SNL50
Whatever happened to Ricky?
Then they ate LSD and played in the mud and had sex with each other.
A perfect example of a Boomer’s Facebook post
He even wrote it down so he wouldn’t forget what he was saying.
Why don’t boomers understand that, “just because it happened in their day doesn’t mean it should happen in my day”
The skull of an extraterrestrial or an empty jug?
Meanwhile in the lobby of Mar-a-Lego…
Has weed replaced booze in your after work recreation hours?
Before sunburn was invented, boomers were often made to wait outside while their parents visited with friends.
Left leaning boomer band
Millennials reimagine retirement: 'The end game might not be ... sitting on my Adirondack chair'
The "Science Guy" icon has three tips for the next generation of workers: Don’t be afraid to change the world, respect others’ knowledge, and don’t get bogged down by pessimism.
Anti-Fascist / Anti-Trump Rally?
In September 1975, the Bay City Rollers, headed by Les McKeown, were the biggest pop band in the UK and were about to the hit the United States. The Scottish teen sensations were rolling on towards turning the whole world tartan.
Boomers be like, “Trump is a convicted criminal… but so is Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus”.
Millennials and Gen Z won’t have enough kids to sustain America’s population—and it’s up to immigrants to make up the baby shortfall
Peggy Lipton 1970's
Are millennials harshing my mellow?
Had to make my pilgrimage
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