I blocked my narcissist’s family and mutual friends of ours 6 months after the discard.
Since it’s a new year, I decided to block my narcissist’s family and our mutual friends on my social media platforms. I’ve had him blocked since he discarded me. I’m proud I did this because I don’t want anyone he knows having access to me. I refuse to let him know anything I am doing with my life because he does not deserve to see me thriving. Believe it or not, narcissists would take credit for the glow up you had. I even told myself not to search him or his new supply who is a narcissist just like him on social media. Narcissists post on social media with their new supply because in their head all of their old supply is watching. I just wanted to say to everyone be strong and go no contact. It’s the best thing you can do for your mental health. Tell yourselves that looking at their social media is giving them supply and the satisfaction. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. Think of looking at their social media as a drug addiction. It’s like withdrawing from the drug. Leave them behind. Remind yourself of the bad times you had with them instead of the good times. Remind yourself that the good times you had with them were fake. It’s all a sick game to them. I believe in all of you that you can do this too. Take this as a sign to move forward instead of backwards ❤️