Only drank twice this whole month, and it feels real nice

13 days in a row and then 14 in a row today. To be fair, I'm home visiting, mostly in my little home town, where I've zero friends now, and it's an hour walk in the rain to the pub, and I'm staying with my Mum. So it hasn't been hard. And I've gotten so out of the habit that I'm not even missing it. And I feel good. Calm and really quite happy. And definitely having the odd emotional moment of rage or terror but they're over pretty quick and I've had some real moments of clarity. Especially about some of my relationships and how I go about my life, and what I avoid and put up with.

I'll be heading back home in a week or so and I really hoping I can keep hold of this feeling when I'm back to friends, and living downtown, and working in a restaurant. This is the most sober time I've had in so long and it's given me a glimpse into what could be waiting for me when I let the weeks and months stack up. I'm definitely planning to make lots of sober plans with friends when I get back. Wholesome shit.

Just wanted to share this because I feel such a thrill at feeling this way at all. I need a snapshot of it to put on my wall or something.

Cheers y'all