What are the best restaurants north of the Allegheny (Millvale, Sharpsburg, Etna, Blawnox)?

We're talking $! We're talking $$$! We're talking all ethnicities, all cultures, all substances!

We're talking details! We're talking sauces! We're talking people behind the counter and their joie de vivre! We're talking arcade games in the foyer! We're talking 1,2 punches of a restaurant being right near a sight to see or a gas station with cheap gas what have you!

But mostly we're talking food! gabagool (and all the rest). we're talking mmm mmm mmm. Deliciosos. We're talking things that turn you into a cartoon wolf and make you howl at the moon. We're talking flavor. We're talking spices. We're talking tricks, kicks and the mix. Hey! We're eating heah!!!

But only in those places on the 28 corridor outside of the city. Now, go.