My attempt at creating a Dodoria's race character

Here is Dodoriū (such an original name!), created with a Namekian CAC.

I'm happy with the result, especially thanks to these spiky gloves! Kinda sad that we cannot had lipstick / makeup to match Dodoria's lips.

My previous characters were simply random OC without connection to the cast, so I tried to tie this one into the story. Here is some badly written headcanon regarding this character :

He's an ancient Freeza's force soldier, coming from the original timeline (Cell's one). He was seeking for a way to revive his lost brother, obviously Dodoria, and ended up creating time paradox of some sort. To circumstance this, he has been recruited by the Time Patrol and had to accept the disappearance of his sibling. He has a funny and kinda cocky personality, but he's a real chicken because he's not really strong (something like early Saiyan Arc Piccolo's level?)

In the main timeline, his counterpart annoyed Mecha Freeza by asking him too many questions regarding the Namek Events and the death of his brother, and thus was obliterated by his Lord.

Now, Dodoriū shows lot of respect towards Time-Patroller Trunks, he considered him as his new mentor figure, especially since he learned that Trunks was the one who destroyed Mecha Freeza in the "main" timeline.