Identifying Seraphine issues
Seeing some discussions about Seraphine's state nowadays, I want to adress - and invite to discussion about - what our champion is lacking and what changes should be done to her. This is a long rant...
First of all, I want to outline what our girlie original identity and gameplay idea was (on her release and few years after). We've got:
- a new powerful utility mage
- meant to be a really weak champion early
- slow (both in terms of movement speed and abilities, which are meant hard to hit)
- hyper-scaling with AP to become the queen of teamfights in late game - having AoE shields, heals, damage and CC meant to dominate fights in late
- extremely team-reliant
Now we've got:
- mid game champion
- meant to be okay early (but with awful mana pool, so I guess not unless on supp)
- still slow (but movement speed and Q speed slightly buffed)
- not rewarding late
- extremely team-reliant
Now, the one thing I want to adress is how a lot of people say that Seraphine used to be too powerful and her abilities needed to be nerfed or changed (mainly W). I hardly disagree with that, because let's not forget that Sera was meant to be a hyper-scaler. Sure her W was extremely powerful and used to scale amazingly, but it had to. Unlike other hyper-scalers in the game (Kayle, Kassadin), Seraphine has no carry potential on her own. Her abilities are slow and she is a long range mage. I think every Seraphine main do realize that she is not a champion that can do anything without her team, maybe except luckily one-shotting someone 1v1 back in the past. That combined with the fact that she had terrible early meant that she needs to have a really rewarding late, since she could never win lane and can't carry on her own (but at least has safe waveclear). Her midlane winrate was always okay with the old W, but the issue came with APC after W got it's first changes to scale with ranks instead of levels.
Now, after nerfing W in 13.21, APC still was OP and broken, but Seraphine mid ceased to exist because her inability to win lane is not rewarded anymore in late game, so the purpose of her being is gone (and represented in abyssmal winrate).
The case of APC is different though, because she can actually win lanes thanks to having a support. While early game buffs are not enough to make midlane viable, APC now could dominate botlane even easier (as long as you take care of your mana pool). Although her scaling is worse after changes, it did not hit APC as much because her early is rewarding on its' own and she isn't weak ass champion there.
So, that's the first main issue of Seraphine: APC role totally diminishes Seraphine's weak early, has more opportunities for frags and so, more gold to scale.
The thing that could hold the balance between APC and midlane would then be gold and level scaling - since APC gains more gold than mid, but mid gains more levels than APC. But Riot did walk away from level hyper scaling on Seraphine the moment they started to balance her more for support, thus furthermore favoring APC. Supports also tend not to scale hard with gold, so level scaling is actually better for them (enchanters usually have really high base values tied to ability ranks, base value buffs also happened to Sera during her enchantification). Mid needs both gold scaling and level scaling tied to work though.
Other thing is the entire enchanter Seraphine topic - this summer we learned that Seraphine W cannot actually be buffed furthermore, because with too high base values it becomes too OP ability - you don't need high gold investments for it to be strong and we're talking about teamwide shields&heals. So Seraphine cannot be more of an enchanter than she is now, unless she goes through a midscope and kit design changes.
Last month we were also past a lot of changes and nerfs to Sera (13.21, 14.5, nerfs to W and Q). Seraphine became much less fun to play, less rewarding champion, and she no longer scales. APC is still her best performing role. Through all the changes made to help support Sera players, support winrate still is negative - which is tragic, because Phreak aimed and said that Seraphine needs around 51-52% winrate on her main roles (supp) to be considered a balanced champion.
So Seraphine lost so much in order to boost her support winrate, but that never really happened outside of 1 month when she was OP enchanter and needed to be nerfed. At the same time changes aimed at APC were not thoughtful (nerfing level scaling furthermore making a gap between mid and APC) or just straight up unfun and cruel (QoL removal) and resulted in drowning of mid Seraphine.
Right now we just walked into new Season - and the state of our champion NEVER IN HER ENTIRE HISTORY HAS BEEN WORSE. At the moment of writing, globally:
- mid Seraphine has 48,34% winrate (the only increase compared to last season)
- APC Seraphine has 51,86% winrate
- supp Seraphine has 49,35% winrate
Suffice to say, Seraphine is in a desperate need for changes or buffs. First of all, none other champion in entire League is balanced around APC role and Seraphine definitely shouldn't be only viable and balanced there. Second of all, support winrate hasn't increased after all the changes made to buff it. Third of all, midlane is dead for Sera and with that her original identity as a champion.
With all that being said I can't believe Riot really went through with all the changes to Sera and still haven't reverted anything or admitted their mistakes 😭
Feel free to rant under this post, express your feelings and thoughts about Seraphine's state and what changes should be made