Update: Bad Experience with LAL+

I was hoping to get some insight for my next steps since the Light Adjustable Lens + still isn't working out for me. I'm a 43 yo male who went to an eye surgeon for a Lasik touch up (my Lasik surgery was in 2011 which got me pretty close to 20/20 in both eyes), and I was convinced to do cataract surgery instead (I've had congenital cataracts that were first spotted in my 20s and were around 2mm in size by the time of my first surgery in Oct 2024). The surgeon set my eyes to be mini-monovision for 5 weeks, but my brain could not neuroadapt to it at all, causing constantly blurred vision at near and intermediate especially.

Two weeks ago, she adjusted my dominant distance eye to be just intermediate so that I would be closer to stereovision to see if that would help with my ability to read again without glasses. I saw my regular eye doctor last week to have her do extensive eye tests and my current prescription is OD (DVAc) 20/60-, OS (DVAc) 20/70++, and OU 20/40- (NVAc). I hope I'm writing that all correctly.

I had asked weeks ago about the possibility of swapping out one or both of the LAL+ with a multifocal lens like the new Johnson and Johnson Odyssey. My surgeon sounded open to it, but she cautioned me that I might not be satisfied with my vision after the exchange. I plan to ask her more about why she feels that way at the next appointment.

I'm just trying to weigh all options at this point to improve my vision since I'm kicking myself for doing surgery at all at this point. With the way my vision is currently, it's worse than before surgery. I hadn't yet noticed any presbyopia prior to my surgery, as I could read very well in almost any light even up close at 6 inches to my face.

I wouldn't mind having to use readers glasses on occasion if I could improve my vison from beyond the recent vision tests I did. I'm curious if other post-Lasik patients are satisfied with the Odyssey iol implant.