Evander physique rating:
Evander has good shoulder-waist ration since he exercises his shoulders by doing sword swinging lateral raises, from what we can tell, evander's lats are visible which creates a good V-taper from him doing front swings that target the back muscles, although we can't see his abs through the armor, his lean and muscular physique shows a sign of having a six pack.
Shoulders: 10/10
Bicep/triceps: 8.5/10
forearms: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Abs/core/obliques: 7.5/10
Chest: 10/10
Back: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
Quads: 10/10
Hamstrings: 10/10
calves: 9/10
Overall: 9.5/10
Evander, although we don't know how much he trains and how much progress has made in order to lift such a weapon, we can tell that he is natural by seeing that he hasn't experienced hair loss yet, no signs of roid rage, he has clean and good skin, no bumps that show acne.
The only evidence we can find that he's on roids because his muscles are disproportionate and are too big.
Overall I'd give him a...