Sculptra, Sofwave, Tixel
It’s Official: Dr. Zoleman is no longer the architect behind the Blueprint Protocol. The Don’t Die Summit introduced Dr. Mike as the lead Doctor of Blueprint now
My Longevity Supplements
Non toxic search
Joe Cohen: a guy who claims he's beating Bryan's pace of aging
Should I keep going to sunny holidays ?
No Cheat Meals but Cheat Nights Ok?
Happy holidays! I made you guys a present!
Is oatmeal healthy / bad?
Is there a file or thread that's compiling all of Bryans Protocol changes?
Bryan interviewed on CNN
Non plastic metal tubs? anyone know their origin? they look great for storing food items safely
I find what Bryan is doing absolutely brilliant
Fact - Bryan has a better chance of extending his life by funding clinical trials
Primary care doctors in LA that focus on life extension?
Supercharged teas?
Zoleman in the backseat?
Tretinoin is listed on Bryan's website but didn't make it to the skincare video
20F, I want to see if I can't die and maintain simply age in slow motion and be healthy
What about blueprint food or supps do you not agree with or think is harmful?
BP-Protein's cost is around 3$/day, not 1,5$.
Has anyone run aging tests while running the blue print stack? How did you do?
Irl dd meet up in Long Beach
Cocoa and acne
New r/blueprint_ record? Kind of cheating because I'm young.